My life as a student

When i was a child i wanted to be an astronaut, i liked know about the planets, the stars, the rockets and the emptiness of the universe, i have always been curious to know if life exists on another planet and know how they are, know how are the animals or know if exist a parallel universe as in the movie Interestelar or Rick and Morty. I´m curious to know how is the Fabrizzio from a planet earth where time runs slower.

But as i grow up and i saw what the money move the world, i landed on the planet earth and i decided to study a humanistic career, i could not decid what would i do with my life if i was only 18 years old. My teachers and my parents helped me to choice, i was between teacher of phylosophy, lawyer, teacher of language, sociology, psychology and public administration.

I had to choose a career what i would like and give me money, the world works like this, around the money. For these reasons i chose Public Administration and i apply to Universidad de Chile, my experience at the university until now is good, i have met very good friends and i have very good teachers, the career is full because i have branchs what are about philosphy, sociology, politic science and maths. The job i would like to have is work for the comptroller or a ministry as culture, science or internal revenue.


  1. Ohhh bro, I think that you would have been the best astronaut. Cheers!!!

  2. U can discover the universe in your own way ♡ sjjsjs u know...*wink* u have so many skills for wherever u want!:D


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