
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2020

Reasoning and heart

The meditation is concentration, mindfulness, peace and tranquility, is when you get away from things and  you focus on your breath. More than an activity it is a way of life, is take another way of seeing the world and your social environment, i meditate since I was 15 years old, i started searching about Buddhism, i read Siddharta from Herman Hesse and i discovered what i needed peace and love because the world is very noisy, the world is very fast, all days there are wars, chaos and i wanted to get away from all the bad, the meditation makes me feel full, peaceful,  happy, i can live with more love and more empathy   especially in these moments of pandemic where the people have anxiety and fear, sincerely the last weeks i have been anxious for the rhythm of online lessons, for the test, works  and  for the quarantine because i can not get out of my house, but the meditation  has helped me a lot  i  can feel free again,  i feel out of this world  it's like if my mind is in the un

Gender Stereotypes

Gender Stereotypes are a series of behaviors that are considered “suitable” for a man or a woman, for example a country level is more accepted what  a man  play football or what a woman cook or take care of the children,  this shows that in Chile there are still people who have an archaic thinking and the problem with all this is what the gender stereotypes are learned from childhood, and so children already have an idea of ​​how they should behave when they grow up, so many times they refuse to accept new behaviors because  is different from what they learned, new behaviors as what a man make up, a woman play video games, a man nurse, a woman engineer or a woman who works in the construction of a building, etc. For this to change we must change our thinking as society, think twice what and how children learn and are taught, the society must accept that a man and a woman are free to do what they want and give up that aggressive mindset of criticize other people for the  clothing or how

Human Evolution Time

Part 1 1. About 800,000 years ago, __ fire _____ was controlled by early humans. 2. About ______ six__ ___ million years ago most early human species became bipedal. 3. The Homo Habilis used to live in Eastern and ____ _Southern_ ________ Africa. 4. About 12,000 years ago, humans managed to control the growth and breeding of some ___ plants ___________ and animals. 5. The ____ _Sahelanthropus tchadensis_ ________ is the earliest human species from the timeline.  Part 2 1. What's been the role of climate change in the development of humans? The role of  climate change  has been very important for the evolution of humans, the capacity human for adapt to the weather as the rain, the heat and the humidity, for these factors the humans have had to eat plants, look for water, create clothes and weapons to kills animals for feed or wrap. 2. In your opinion, what is the most significant milestone for the human evolution? Why? In my opinion, the most important milestone was creation of the