My hobbies

Actually i don’t like watch series or movies because i spend my time in another things , i play FIFA online in Play Station 4 since 2014 until now, and also i play every week in competitive mode with my friends and people from other countries, especially brasileans and chileans, but sometimes when i am boring to play Play Station 4, i try to do something different as watch series, draw or paint. I really like to paint and draw, it's in my family's  DNA, my brother is a tattoo artist, he makes graffiti and murals, my mom paints mandalas and pictures of animals, then i will show my works.


       I painted this picture in quarantine, with tempera and watercolor, the interpretation is given by the viewer.


                                         This picture  is about psychedelia and the transitory of life.                                                                                                                


I painted this picture with my niece Martina, in quarantine too.

My favourite series that i have seen was "The boys", is a amazon series that have two seasons which has eight episodes per season, this series is about superheroes and reflects how is a reality with real superheroes in a city ,this reflects a place where  the people can create persons with crazy powers, show how all the good things about superheroes are controlated by companies and big enterprises, motivated by the money many superheroes are corrupt and dishonest, when people are not seeing them, they do the dirty work of the companies, they kill citizens who are against company policies and his ideals, however there are still people who admire them. 


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