Postgraduate studies

 Every time I think about what will become of my life at the end of the university, I think in something related to philosophy, international studies or psychology, since at first I wanted to study pedagogy in philosophy, language or art, because my family works in artistic fields such as tattoos, drawings, crafts.  Also to be competitive in the laboral scene is necessary specialize and make postgraduate studies, at Universidad de Chile there are many options in the field of mind, my dream is investigate about the dreams and their relationship with everyday life, also I want navigate the deep waters of the subconscious in the style of Freud with his ideas about the psychoanalysis ( the superego, the I and the it). 

As well the postgraduate on psychology and human behavior it would help me to research about the effects of meditation and mindfulness in the fields of work, school and family; this time of pandemic, i have read a lot about psychoanalisis, buddhism, brain functions and human behavior, my favourite books are “Siddharta” of Hermann Hesse and “The Psychoanalyst” of John Katzenbach.

This postgraduate will help me investigate about multiple intelligences as natural intelligence, musical intelligence, emotional intelligence and social intelligence especially in the school environment, because in the current system school these intelligences are neither considered nor taugh, it’s necessary teach to next generations to be more understanding, empathetic and supportive.


  1. Hi Fabrizzinho! Wow I am very delighted with your blog! I studied Philosophy an Humanities for one semester, but for personal reasons I changed careers, but philosophy is still of my interest.

    I like what you want to express to the rest and motivate future generations about what is important.

    Much success!

  2. wow I have also thought that new ways of educating future generations need to be implemented


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