
English Language Challenges

 This year, it was a different year, from all the bad just left to learn and try to be better every day, it was a year quite agitated and suffering, there was death in the streets, loneliness and be away from your family, however being alone also serves to learn, think and reflect about the life and the world, I learned to love myself, value more my family, my friends, value my teachers and my good classmates from school and university. Learning english at university was a great challenge, especially because  we didn't have face to face contact, also I find it difficult to learn in online classes, I don't like spending so much time in front of the computer. However even with the psychological weight that a pandemic brings, I learned a lot especially in English, I learned to speak and write better in English and I expanded my vocabulary, but I still have challenges in Listening because I feel that in the videos they speak very fast, in my day to day I do not use English, often I

Postgraduate studies

 Every time I think about what will become of my life at the end of the university, I think in something related to philosophy, international studies or psychology, since at first I wanted to study pedagogy in philosophy, language or art, because my family works in artistic fields such as tattoos, drawings, crafts.  Also to be competitive in the laboral scene is necessary specialize and make postgraduate studies, at Universidad de Chile there are many options in the field of mind, my dream is investigate about the dreams and their relationship with everyday life, also I want navigate the deep waters of the subconscious in the style of Freud with his ideas about the psychoanalysis ( the superego, the I and the it).  As well the postgraduate on psychology and human behavior it would help me to research about the effects of meditation and mindfulness in the fields of work, school and family; this time of pandemic, i have read a lot about psychoanalisis, buddhism, brain functions and human

A photograph I like

 Hi everyone! This photo is little to show all the love I feel for them, my parents, they would give their lives for me and my brothers, they are the most important to me with my cat called Garfield. For me my family is my emotional support and who can I trust, when I have a problem they are the first to notice me sad and I also give them emotional support when they feel bad, we are connected by a spiritual bond. I appreciate the teachings and the emotional education they gave me. The other photo was captured in Bariloche, Argentina, means a lot to me because I miss my classmates and my teachers of Salesianos Alameda, were incredible times where I grew up, shared and trained as a person, each friend is a world, has his personal story and I learned to know different thoughts and ways of being

My future job

Every time I think about my future job, a job outside of this country comes to mind, I would like to work in some international organization like the ONU, OMS or World Bank, I want to live in Spain, Holland or England because I like the culture, traditions and the elegance of Europe, also my dream since I was little has been go to see a Champions League match or be a loyal fan of Barcelona FC.  Like many of the readers of this blog, I want to escape from Latin America!! jajajaja However, in Chile I would like to work in the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Science or the Comptroller, when I get out of university I want to do a magister in philosophy or psychology for work in an area with greater human contact, so I would like to work in an foundation or a non-profit organization, in summary I want to work in a place with human contact, contact with nature and be happy performing as a professional, also I would like to work in a future with my university classmates, would incredible

My hobbies

Actually i don’t like watch series or movies because i spend my time in another things , i play FIFA online in Play Station 4 since 2014 until now, and also i play every week in competitive mode with my friends and people from other countries, especially brasileans and chileans, but sometimes when i am boring to play Play Station 4, i try to do something different as watch series, draw or paint. I really like to paint and draw, it's in my family's  DNA, my brother is a tattoo artist, he makes graffiti and murals, my mom paints mandalas and pictures of animals, then i will show my works.                                            I painted this picture in quarantine, with tempera and watercolor, the  interpretation is given by the viewer.                                                                                                         T his picture  is about psychedelia and the transitory of life.                                                                             

The country of the dreams

Hi everyone!, the place that I would like to visit is Thailand, there is many reasons, first I will explain from my personal point of view. I’m really interested in the concept of the mind, mindfullnes, meditation and relaxation, and this kind of country is recognized by the beauty of the architecture of the temples but for me it goes way deeper than its beautiful appearances. The island is also home to many traditional cultural traditions that are still practiced like the Buddism and the Hinduism.  The Bali Island hold many ceremonies and celebrations through the year are so beautiful, many of this can be enjoyed by curious tourists. Ulan Danu Temple I really think that the respect and calm in my human being is my essence, so Bali for me is the place to explore further away in my self esteem, i would like to know the city of peace, love and meditation, this long time in quarantine i have read a lot of Buddism, mindfullnes (full atention to the present moment) and the books help me a l


                                                 Carbon footprint 1. The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human  activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). 2. Provide some examples Operate your computer for 32 hours: 1 Kg of CO2 Driving a car for 3,75 miles: 1 Kg of CO2 Travel by public transportation a distance of 10 to 12 km: 1 Kg of CO2 Production of a 1/3 of an american cheeseburger:  3.1 Kg of CO2  Production of 2 plastic bottles: 1 Kg of CO2                                                     QUIZ Results 3. What is your carbon footprint weight? 10.5 tones  What is the target weight impact?  My carbon footprint is 100%    What percentage was in stuff, travel, food , home? Stuff is 26% Travel is 20% Food is 21% Home is 33%                                                        Youtube video 4. When was the last time the Earth warmed up so fast?  -55 million years ago. 5. What is the name of the curre